Aerial Yoga Teacher Training

Aerial Yoga Teacher Training

25 - 26 October and 8 - 9 November 2025 i The REHAB Kbh. V. SIGNUP FOR FALL 2025
For the 15th time, we now offer Aerial Yoga Teacher Training, for yoga teachers, fitness instructors, pole dancers, or just curious souls.


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Aerial Yoga is a new style of yoga that is becoming more and more popular. Aerial yoga takes place partly in a special sling / hammock that hangs approx. 1 m. above the ground. The fabric is similar to what you use in circus and Aerial Dance, but shaped like a hammock, which means that you do not have to be a circus artist to practice Aerial Yoga.

The hammock makes it easy to do more inversions which is healthy and rejuvenating for both body and mind. The constant challenge of keeping balance calls for deep action of the core muscles, hands and upper body. Aerial Yoga has playful and acrobatic elements, but you can also do very gentle Restorative Aerial.

The airborne relaxation is another reason why so many people love Aerial: the hammock encloses the body like a cocoon and provides an incredibly calming and supported hugging sensation.

Aerial Yoga can be a lot of things (Also called AntiGravity, AeroYoga, Unnatta, etc.) and seamlessly blends dance, acrobatics, fitness and yoga. Our take on Aerial Yoga here in Blue Sky Yoga is that the hammock first and foremost is a new yoga prop that we use to practice yoga.

We keep all the mind-body awareness that we have in "real" yoga, but add an element of play, acrobatics and fun. This training mixes theory and practice to give you specific skills to safely teach Aerial Yoga.

In this Aerial Teacher Training you will receive:

A thorough, practical introduction to Aerial Yoga :

  • Learn the and the most common poses/ figures and how to teach them
  • 100+ pp. manual with detailed instructions and illustrations (original material).
  • Flips, tricks and more playful poses at your level.
  • Aerial conditioning with the hammock, what will get you airborne?
  • Gentle restorative yoga with the hammock close to the floor.
  • Partner yoga and massage in the hammock.


Theoretical knowledge about Aerial Yoga:

  • Aerial Yoga sequencing, three different kinds.
  • Safety first. Teaching large groups, open-level, beginners etc.
  • Hands-on adjustments
  • Yoga ethics, etiquette and pedagogy.
  • Theory of the vestibular system, spinal decompression and why it is good to hang upside down.
  • Practical anatomy
  • Safety and how to tie and hang a hammock / rig a studio.


The course is aimed primarily at yoga teachers, pilates-, pole-, and fitness instructors, practitioners of Aerial yoga and serious yoga students. As Aerial Yoga is not very common yet in Denmark, it can be difficult to practice and take classes, and we fully understand that. If you dont have the option of taking classes in a studio, we strongly recommend that you buy a hammock and train at home from videos on, for example, Youtube. If you are enrolled in the program you will receive a 10% discount on our yoga hammocks and we will send suggestions for good videos.



Sisse Siegumfeldt has been teaching yoga since 2005 and has multiple Yoga Teacher Trainings, Childrens Yoga TT, Aerial Yoga TT, Mindfulness and courses. She also has a shady past as a circus princess. She has written the books "Yoga – 15 minutes a day" (Gyldendal 2013) and "Yoga for children - and their adults" (Gyldendal 2015). "The first time I tried Aerial Yoga it was to try this new gimmick with yoga in a hammock. I thought it would be fun and would not have imagined that I would be weeping like a child in the hammock at the end of class. Aerial yoga is more than just fun, it's deeply releasing and profoundly transformative, and true yoga. I love it."

Sisse is registered with Yoga Alliance as:


"Thank you so much for some amazing wonderful, crazy and fun days together dear group

- it was so amazing and rewarding...and hard
Thanks for entangling us … and evolving us
-and for your always infectious enthusiasm, dear Sisse"


For 4 days I practiced ariel yoga with Sisse Siegumfeldt in Blue Sky Yoga. It's amazing what a piece of fabric can do. A prop for immersions and in yoga poses, for muscle training, strength performance, and total relaxation. The game has just begun and there are many fun, totally strenuous and utterly relaxing hours to look forward to. Thank you  for our journey through these days. You are super beautiful and skilled and kept us well motivated🙂 ”



Thank you so much for the most wonderful education, it has been hard, fun, and just wonderful <3 You teach with great knowledge, skill and patience, and I am deeply envious of your playful ease in the slings, haha. That's where I will get to! I feel really well equipped to teach safely in Aerial Yoga, and have a huge back catalogue to draw on, so I can do varied programs. The manual is worth its weight in gold !! Thanks.

E-RYT 200 Yoga Alliance Mark
RCYT Yoga Alliance Mark
YACEP Yoga Alliance Mark


If you have additional questions, do not hesitate to write or call 26230917


PRICE 5500,- 

Sign up by paying 1st installment or full amount


Four days of training  in a small group

Manual app. 100 p. original material

10 % discount on a yoga hammock

Closed Facebook group 

Diploma (With full attendance)


25 - 26 October and 8 - 9 November @12-19


Staldgade 22,1.

1699 Kbh. V.